Thursday, December 24, 2009

Christmas Poem 2009

14 little ducks sitting in a row,
one fell over and just said ow.

a snowflake fell and landed on his head
an old man passing gave him some bread

the 14th duck waddled to a gutter
on his way to find some butter

3 days later hungry and very cold
Santa picked him up and Duck 14 he did hold

to the North Pole they did head
where Santa gave him buttered bread

every day the duck lacked nothing
he ate everything from bread to pudding

on Christmas Eve Santa began to cry
he bid the fat duck a last goodbye

his trip took him from west to east
and he returned to a delicious duck feast

Santa, Mrs. Claus and all the elves,
and thirteen ducks stuffed themselves

for what seemed like an innocent fall
was a conspiracy between the 13 ducks all

Duck 14 had the time of his life
stuffed his face and shagged Santa's wife!

and what he's happiest about the most
is now he'll haunt them as a ghost!